Exploratory visit to American universities

Exploratory visit to American universities

Between the 13th and the 22nd of May 2022, Claudiu Turcuș, PhD,  Associate Professor and Vice-dean of the Faculty of Theatre and Film, will conduct an exploratory visit at four prominent American universities: Columbia University, New York University, City University of New York,  and Bard College.

The purpose of his visit resides in documenting how Arts and Humanities domains and their associated research networks  are configured within transversal academic Schools and divided in thematic departments. This simultaneously alternative and complementary model interrogates the purely administrative division of academic subjects across faculties. In contemporary society, the need for intense collaborations, openness and transdisciplinarity requires a modern, flexible, dynamic and integrative framework.

The main output of the exploratory visit, an administrative report, is part of the framework programme PFE-CDI-550, dedicated to Research, Development, and Innovation excellence of Babeș-Bolyai University. Financed by MCID, the project is led by professor Adrian Petrușel, PhD, the BBU Vice-Rector for research. Both on faculty level and within the Star-UBB Institute, we are reflexively and actively piloting this structural model of institutional reform in our university, through the establishment of six academic Schools, about which you can read more here.