

Cinematography, Photography and Media is among the most popular majors at the BBU. This study programme provides students with a combination of practical and theoretical knowledge to gain qualifications in film (cinematography, applied film/commercials) and television.

The programme focuses on television, film, cultural institutions, new media content and cultural journalism, and includes practical and theoretical training, skills in the use of tools, the development of students’ creative abilities and critical, theoretical and historical analytic skills.

Students will acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge that will enable them to integrate easily into an increasingly dynamic and globalised cultural and professional environment.

From second year, students can choose between three specialisations:


Film and television directing

Film and television image production

Multimedia: film and sound editing


During the three years of study, the programme will introduce students to several film and television media formats, as well as the main film genres.

The aim of the first year is to teach the basics of photography, film and television, as well as the professional language.

The second school year is dedicated to short genres: online media, television reporting, complex, multi-camera live footage, film essays, etc.

In the third year, students can deepen their knowledge in more complex genres, such as short films, documentaries and TV theatre.

The university course is complemented by professional camps and workshops, but there is also the possibility to study abroad (Erasmus).

Based on their individual creative abilities and interests, graduates can take up jobs in the following professional fields: cinematography, lighting, film editor, sound director, video journalist, reporter, audiovisual producer, photojournalist, creative director, animation filmmaker, broadcast director.

