

Associate Professor Răzvan MUREȘAN PhD

Răzvan Mureșan is a theatre director whose professional activity includes more than 25 performances on Romanian stages.

Since 2006 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, where, in 2016, he obtained a PhD in theatre with his thesis:

Contemporary British Theatre. Experiment and Innovation after 1945.


Professsor Bács Miklós PhD




Miklós Bács, is actor at the Hungarian State Theatre of Cluj-Napoca, and professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Department of Theatre, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca.

He received his Phd. in Theatre, in a shared coordination of Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca and Theatric Art University Târgu Mureş, with the thesis Role Concept in Luigi     Pirandello’s and Jacob Levi Moreno’s work and his habilitation at Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca with the thesis The Actor’s Dramaturgy – The Origin and The Genesis of Action in Stage Reality.

His reserch is focused on Theatre Acting.

He  teaches courses in Acting and Improvisation on MFA, PH.D. level.

He performed in more than 90 performances under the direction of Silviu Purcărete, Tompa Gábor, Mihai Măniuţiu, Vlad Mugur, Yuri Kordonsky, Andriy Zholdak, Michael Docekal, Bocsárdi László, Mona Chirila, Eszenyi Enikő, Adrian Sitaru, Eli Malka, David Zinder, Dominique Serrand, Tony Gatliff, etc.

He played in films such as Dincolo de muntele meu (Cristian Pascariu, 2011), Transylvania  (Tony Gatliff, 2006), Lac Noir (Pascal du Gallet, 2005), The Misanthrope (Tompa Gábor, 2001), Lassú  virus (Kacsó A, 1999), Operette (Tompa Gábor, 1997), The Cabal of Hypocrites (Tompa Gábor, 1995), The Impostor (Árkosi Árpád, 1995), Kanári (Cselényi László, 1994).

He directed and assisted direction of numerous performance, such as She (after Eugen Ionescu), Hamlet (by W. Shakespeare), Doctor Faust (by Marlowe), The Wedding (by A. P. Cehov), Fine mother, but these ones… (by Matei Vişniec), Spring Awakening (by Franz Wedekind), Biloxi Blues (by Neil Simon ), as well as two adaptations after Dostoievsky: The Demons and The Idiot.

He published three books “Mask” and “Role”-Identities and Differences (2007), The Great Masked Man (2007) and Theatrical Nonverbal Language in Acting (2012).

He was invited to give master class at University of Arts in Tg Mures, Romania (2012, 2018, 2020); Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (2018, 2020); University of Siena, Italy (2014, 2015, 2016); PWSFTVIT Leon Schiller in Lodz, Poland (2009); VGIK Gerasimov in Moscow, Russian Federation (2008);  etc.  

He took part in many international and national theatre festivals, as well as in international tours in: Great Britain, Finland, Portugal, Germany, France, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Poland, Hungary, Moldavia, Ireland, Italy, Columbia, Makedonia, South Coreea, etc.

He was awarded with Bánffy Award in 2003, best actor in leading role at Festco Bucharest in 2007, he also received the Representativity Award of the Babes Bolyai University in 2008, Amza Pellea Award in 2013, Uniter Award in 2016, Virgil Flonda Award of  The International Theatre Festival Sibiu in 2017, best actor in a leading rol International Theatre Festival Fest(In) pe Bulevard in 2018, as well as numerous collective awards: Uniter Award for best show of the season in 2004/2005 and 1996/1997, the award for best foreign show of the season in Great Britain, in 1993/1994, etc.

He is the founder of the Galactoria festival and  he was the director of the Youth Actors Gala, HOP –UNITER (2016-2018).

He is member of the Art Council of the Hungarian State Theatre from Cluj and member of the UNITER Senat (2010-2015, 2018-2022).

Professor Miriam Cuibus PhD

Miriam Cuibus, PhD


Miriam Cuibus is actress at The National Theatre ”Lucian Blaga” and Professor of Acting at Faculty of Theatre and Film, Cluj-Napoca. She is one of the founding professors of the theatre school of Cluj (1991), the current Faculty of Theatre and Film, where she led eight student promotions so far.

She received her PhD in ”Theatre” at Babeș-Bolyai University and University of Arts Târgu-Mureș in 2010 (the thesis: The Bovarism. The Games of the Bovaric Fiction in Literature and Theatre) and completed her habilitation thesis (Form and Idea via corporis. Fundamental Vectors in the Actor’s Laboratory) in 2019, in the field ”Theatre and Performing Arts” at The Doctoral School of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University. 

Her research is anchored in the philosophy of the ludic act and the power of imagination. Her studies focus on the following areas of interest: the theatrality of bovaric phenomenon in the context of image civilization and the new media, hermeneutics and poetics of corporality in the art of the actor, the holistic integrative approach to corporality and the concept body-mind, the body and its expressive potential, interpretive stylistics in acting, the creative resources of the imaginary in the art of the actor. 

She is the author of Daguerreotype with Emma in the Window. Bovarism. The Games of the Bovaric Fiction and The Backstage Effect. The Theatricality of Ambiguity and the Ambiguity of Theatricality (2011). She published articles in ”Apostrof”, ”Symbolon”, ”Studia Dramatica”. Last published article is The Imaginary of the Theatrical Spectacle in  (General coordinator Corin Braga) The Encyclopedia of Romanian Imaginaries, vol. V, (Coordinated volume by Liviu Malița), Imaginary and Artistic Heritige (2020). It will be published soon her last study The Actorʼs Body – image, metaphore, sign. Bodly Hieroglyphs

As an actress she has played in over 100 roles under the direction of Vlad Mugur, Mihai Măniuțiu, Andrei Șerban, Tompa Gabor, Mircea Veroiu, Mona Chirilă Marian, Alexandru Dabija, V.I. Frunză, Radu Afrim, Andrei Măjeri. She has directed over 40 student productions.

Her professional and pedagogical experience has been enriched by participating in numerous creativeness workshops with distinguished personalities in the theatre field (Eugenio Barba, David Zinder, Simon McBurney, David Esrig, Andrei Șerban, Cătălina Buzoianu, Alexa Visarion, Izumi Ashizawa, Bronwyn Tweddle). She took part in prestigious theatre festivals, as well in numerous tours abroad (France, England, USA, Egypt, Sweden, Tunisia, Finland, North Macedonia, Serbia, Austria, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Moldavia, Czech Republic, Marocco, Croatia). 

She teaches acting courses (BA, MFA level) such as: The actor and the nonverbal theatre, Mask studies and Commedia dellʼ Arte, Building the character, Techniques and methods in acting.

Professor Liviu Malița PhD



Historian and literary and theatre critic, he is a PhD professor at the Department of Theatre of the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj. His areas of interest include the history of European and Romanian literature and theatre, sociology, history of mentalities and art theory. He has published as sole author or coordinated several volumes on the phenomenon of censorship during the communist period.

He teaches courses in drama theory, theatre psychoanalysis and theatre aesthetics. He was a member of the Echinox magazine and is a member of the Romanian Writers’ Union. He is a member of the Centre for Research and Creation in Theatre, Film and Media “Vlad Mugur”.

Published books: Spațiul teatral. A synthetic view (2013); Extremes of Art (2010); Paradoxes of Aesthetics (2009); Romanian Theatre under Communist Censorship (2009); Nicolae Breban. The condition of the man of letters in Transylvania between the two wars (1997).

Coordinated publications: Volume V, “Imaginary and the Romanian artistic heritage” of the Encyclopaedia of Imaginaries in Romania. Historical heritage and cultural-linguistic identities, general coordinator Corin Braga; The theatrical life in and after communism (2006);

Edited publications: Ceaușescu, literary critic, edition, introductory study and notes by Liviu Malița (2007); Censorship in theatre. Documents. 1948 – 1989 (2006); Ludovica Rebreanu, “Farewell to the Second Coming. Epistolar maternal”, edited edition, preface and notes by Liviu Malița (1998).

He is co-author of several collective volumes and collaborated on the Dictionary of Romanian Writers (coordinators Mircea Zaciu, Marian Papahagi, Aurel Sasu, 2002). He publishes studies in cultural and specialized magazines.

He was awarded the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj Prize for Excellence in Research (2006, 2008, 2009); the Writers’ Union Prize, Cluj branch, for criticism and literary history (2007); the “Ion Negoițescu” Prize for literary criticism of the “Apostrof” Cultural Foundation (1999).


Professor Laura Pavel PhD

Professor Laura Teutişan (Nume de autor: Laura Pavel), PhD;

She received her PhD în Philology, at Babeş-Bolyai University, with a thesis on dramatic theory, focused on Eugène Ionesco.

She obtained, in 2013, the Habilitation in Theatre and Performing Arts (Arts and Humanities). 

Since 2014, she has been the Director of the PhD School in Theatre and Film Studies at the Babeş-Bolyai University.

Her fields of research are: 

Theory and Aesthetics of Theatre, Theatre History, Literary aesthetics and theory, Theatre Anthropology, Performance Theory, Interdisciplinary cultural analysis (on theatricality, literarity, visuality)


She is the author of:

Antimemoriile lui Grobei. Eseu monografic despre opera lui Nicolae Breban/ The Antimemoirs of Grobei: Monographical Essay on the Oeuvre of Nicolae Breban, Bucureşti, Ed. Didactică şi Pedagogică, 1997; 2nd edition, revised: Bucureşti, Ed. Fundaţiei Culturale Ideea Europeană, 2004; Ionesco. Anti-lumea unui sceptic/ Ionesco: The Anti-World of a Skeptic, Piteşti, Ed. Paralela 45, 2002; Ficţiune şi teatralitate/ Fiction and Theatricality, Cluj-Napoca, Ed. Limes, 2003; Dumitru Țepeneag și canonul literaturii alternative/ Dumitru Tsepeneag and the Canon of Alternative Literature, Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2007; Dumitru Tsepeneag and the Canon of Alternative Literature, translated by Alistair Ian Blyth, Champaign & Dublin & London, Dalkey Archive Press, 2011; Teatru şi identitate. Interpretări pe scena interioară / Theatre and Identity. Interpretations on the Inner Stage, Cluj-Napca, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2012; Ionesco. L’Antimondo di uno scettico, traduzione dal romeno di Maria Luisa Lombardo, Roma, Aracne Editrice, 2016; forthcoming book, in 2021: Personaje ale teoriei, fiinţe ale ficţiunii/ Personae of Theory, Beings of Fiction.

She teaches courses on:


Theatre and modernity

Theatre anthropology

Performance Theory

Cultural Studies in Film and Performing Arts

The research methodology in Performing Arts: Interpretive strategies



Professor Daniela Gologan (aka Miruna Runcan) PhD

Professor Daniela Gologan (aka Miruna Runcan) PhD ;

Miruna Runcan specializes in Theatre and Performing Arts History, Theatre Aesthetics, Spectatorship and audience studies, Theatre semiotics, The History of Romanian Theatre Institutions

She received her PhD in Theatre and Performing Arts domain, at UNATC (National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale) Bucharest

Her research is focused on: 

Theatre History, Theatre and Performing arts aesthetics, Performing arts semiotics, Spectatorship and Audience studies, The History of Romanian Theatre Institutions

She is the author of 

Theatre in diorama: Theatre criticism discourses in communism, vol 2, Bucharest: Tracus arte 2020; Theatre in diorama: Theatre criticism discourses in communism, vol 1, Bucharest: Tracus arte 2020; Odeon Theatre 70, Bucharest, Oscar Print 2016; Theatre Criticism. Whereto? Cluj University Press, 2015; Signore Misterioso: An Anatomy of the Spectator, Bucharest: UNITEXT, 2011; For a Semiotics of the Theatrical Performance, Cluj, Dacia, 2005; The Theatricalisation of Romanian Theatre, Cluj, Eikon, 2003; The Romanian Theatre Model, Bucharest: UNITEXT, 2000. 

He/she teaches courses on

Romanian Theatre History, Theatre Semiotics, Methods of interpretation of Drama, Spectatorship and Audience Studies, The History of Romanian Theatre Institutions.

Associate Professor Diana Cozma PhD

Conf. univ. dr. habil. Diana Cozma


Diana Cozma is an actress, writer, translator, professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film of Babeș-Bolyai University, member of the Romanian Writers’ Union, double graduate in Philology (1988) and Theatre Arts (1995). In 2005 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled European Drama seen through the prism of Peter Brook’s four theatrical categories. In 2017 she defends her habilitation thesis Dramaturgy of Stage Actions and obtains her habilitation certificate in the field of doctoral studies Theatre and Performing Arts and in the same year she joins the Doctoral School of Theatre and Film at Babeș-Bolyai University.

From 1990 to 1994 she was the director of the Puck Puppet Theatre, Cluj-Napoca; she played more than 40 roles in theatre performances, puppet theatre shows and films; she organized festivals and tours in Romania and abroad. In 2011-2012 she is the director of the project Odin Days – for a culture of change which had as guests Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret from Holstebro, Denmark and took place in Cluj-Napoca. Her artistic work is documented in over 150 articles, reviews, reviews, interviews in Romania and abroad and is included in numerous anthologies and dictionaries.

She has written and published the following books: Eugenio Barba and the Golden Apple: Witnessing Odin Teatret’s Rehearsals, Foreword by Eugenio Barba, Gloucester, The Choir Press, 2021; Leave your boots, out! (dramatic monologues), Foreword by Cornel Ungureanu, Cluj-Napoca, Eikon & Școala Ardeleană, 2018; The Ephemeral Dance of the Actor’s Actions, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, 2016; Fundamental Techniques of Stage Creation, University Course, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană Publishing House, 2016; Love in Violets (short prose), Cluj-Napoca, Tribuna Publishing House, 2015; Eugenio Barba and the Golden Apple, Bucharest, Ideea Europeană Publishing House, 2013; The Chained Theatre. Essay on Jerzy Grotowski’s theatre, Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, 2007; Experimentul homo felix – un studiu shakespearian, Afterword by Cornel Ungureanu, Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, 2005; Dramaturgul-practician, Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, 2005.

She is the author of numerous articles, essays, translations, interviews, prose, dramatic texts published in cultural magazines, among which we mention Contemporanul, Orizonturi culturale italo-române, Tribuna. He conducts workshops in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Lexington, Virginia, USA and Chicago, Illinois, USA. Since 1990 he has participated in numerous workshops, internships, seminars, international master classes led by Eugenio Barba, Ludwik Flaszen, Thomas Richards, Mladen Materic, Jean-Jacques Harri, Cristina Wistari Formaggia, Yves Marc and organized by Odin Teatret, Holstebro, Denmark; The Workcenter of Jerzy Grotowski and Thomas Richards, Pontedera, Italy; Na Grobli Institute, Wroclaw, Poland; Arsenic Theatre Research Centre, Lausanne, Switzerland; Internationalen Theaterwerkstatt, Wansee Forum, Berlin, Germany; Amsterdam Summer University, The Netherlands; Dimitri Institute, Verscio, Switzerland.

She has translated into Romanian and published: Eugenio Barba, House in Flames – about directing and dramaturgy, Bucharest, Nemira Publishing House, Yorick Collection, 2012; 2nd edition, 2013; Eugenio Barba, Earth of ashes and diamond. My apprenticeship in Poland followed by 26 letters from Jerzy Grotowski to Eugenio Barba, Bucharest, Ideea Europeană Publishing House, 2010; Yasmine Beverly Rana, Cinci piese de teatru, Cluj-Napoca, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, 2008.

For her published books he has received numerous nominations for the Romanian Writers’ Union Awards and in 2013 he won the Teodor Boșca Translation Award of the Romanian Writers’ Union, Cluj Branch for Casa in flăcări – despre regie și dramaturgie by Eugenio Barba and in 2006 the Debut Essay Award of the Romanian Writers’ Union, Cluj Branch for Dramaturgul-practician. In 2001, as a teacher, together with the students he supervised, she was awarded the Prize for the Best Group Performance with the performance English Without a Teacher, George Enescu University of Arts Iasi and the Prize for the Best Performance with the performance English Without a Teacher, Hyperion University Bucharest.

Associate Professor Gelu Badea PhD

GELU BADEA is a theatre director and teacher of the art of theatre directing, a student of director Mona Chirilă and a follower of the training methods for actors and theatre directors promoted by his mentor Radu Penciulescu. He has so far directed over seventy performances, and in 2000 he was nominated for a UNITER Award for directing “Lazaret” at the “Andrei Mureșanu” Theatre in Sfântu Gheorghe. Among them we mention The Silent Angel by Alexandru Sever (National Theatre “Lucian Blaga” Cluj Napoca, 2004), Hamlet by W. Shakespeare (Northern Theatre Satu Mare, 2009), The Cherry Orchard by A.P. Chekhov (Theatre “I.D. Sîrbu” Petroșani, 2014), Nora by H. Ibsen (Theatre “Tony Bulandra” Târgoviște, 2015).


His productions have been performed in more than twenty theatres in Romania in Cluj Napoca, Satu Mare, Petroșani, Turda, Târgu Mureș, Baia Mare etc., but also at festivals abroad in Italy, Moldova, China, Germany, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria and Greece. Since 2017 he has been a PhD. lecturer at the Faculty of Theatre and Film of “Babeș-Bolyai” University of Cluj Napoca where he has coordinated six generations of directors and is head of the discipline of theatre directiing. Among his graduates there are names already known in the Romanian theatrical space for their performances and awards: Ana Ciobanu, Marius Costache, Mara Roșu, Muriel Manea, Andrei Măjeri, Cosmin Matei, Botos Balint, Vlad Popescu, Adina Lazăr, Cătălin Mardale, Bianca Baraboi, George Crintă etc. He is the author of two books: Prințul minor, Eikon Publishing House (2013), and Solilocviu, Școala Ardeleană/Eikon Publishing House (2017).

Associate Professor Constantin Mihai PhD
Associate Professor Radu – Alexandru Nica PhD

Radu Nica, PhD

Associate Professor

Radu Nica is theatre director.

He received his PhD in theatre history at University of Arts, Tîrgu-Mureș.

His artistic practice is focused on the classical international repertoire, but also on contemporary theatre texts, especially German ones. He is the author of: Nostalgia Mitteleuropei. O istorie a teatrului german din Sibiu, Cluj-Napoca, editura Eikon, 2013

His shows were selected for the most prestigious national theatre festivals such as The International Theatre Festival Sibiu, The National Theatre Festival, Bucarest, but also international festivals like The Shakespeare Festival in Gdansk or The Ibsen Festival, Tokyo etc. He also collaborated with first-class theatres from Romania in Sibiu, Bucarest, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, Timișoara etc. His productions could be seen in Chicago, Liverpool, Munich, Essen, Heidelberg, Ulm etc. He got many prizes like the UNITER Prize for Debut (2005 for Nora, National Theatre Radu Stanca Sibiu) and two UNITER Nominations for Best Direction for The Mountainbikers by Volker Schmidt (German State Theatre in Timișoara) in 2012 and Incendies by Wajdi Mouawad (Hungarian State Theatre in Timișoara) in 2015.


He teaches courses on:

Regie de teatru/Theatre directing

Analiza procesului scenic/The analysis of theatre show 

Colaborare regizor-actor/Collaboration between director and actor

Fundamentele regiei de teatru/Theatre directing theories

Associate Professor Filip Odangiu PhD

Filip Odangiu, PhD

Associate Professor


Filip Odangiu specializes in acting and acting pedagogy. 

He received his PhD in the pedagogy and training of the actor , specifically, in the metacognitive strategies involved in the actor’s training. He completed his PhD in Theater at Babeş-Bolyai University.


His research is focused on the fields of acting and performing arts.

His artistic practice covers acting, directing for theatre and film, non-verbal theatre, improvisation, commedia dell’arte and mask theatre, physical theatre, animation theatre, Viewpoints and storytelling. 

His technical expertise is in the field of physical theater, mask theater, animation theater, improvisation, interdisciplinary artistic research and actor’s pedagogy. He develops projects and work in the fields of acting, directing, stage design, painting, storytelling, research in theatrical pedagogy.


His publications include two books of reference in the theater practice (Metacognitive Strategies in Actor’s Training, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, Cluj, 2013 and Praxis. The Strategical Exercise, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, Cluj, 2013) and more than 20 articles in professional journals.


The performances coordinated at the acting class by Filip Odangiu have participated in international festivals, among which: the International Festival of Theater Schools , the International Theater Festival of Sibiu (FITS) etc. 

He participated in the realization of numerous shows at the Cluj National Theater.  


In 2020, he set up, together with former students, current collaborators , The MAIDAN Creation Centre Cluj Napoca.


Courses taught:

Actor’s art – Nonverbal Theater , Advanced Improvisation Studies (master’s degree) , Mask Studies, Strategies of Stage Creation (master’s degree), Theatrical Character Development, Psychological Theater, The Aart of Puppetry   

Associate Professor Ștefana Pop-Curșeu PhD

Ștefana Pop-Curșeu

Associate Professor, PhD.


Ștefana Pop-Curșeu is a critic, theorist, theatre historian, translator, playwright and theatre maker.
Șhe completed her PhD in Theatre Studies at Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle University, in 2008, on The Theatricality of post-byzantine wall paintings, XVth-XVIIth centuries (La théâtralité de la peinture murale post-byzantine, XVe-XVIIe siècles). Her research focuses on the large domain of Theatre History, approached mainly through Theatre Iconography, thus through the relation between theatrical and pictorial images, between theatre as an artistic and social phenomenon on the one side, and of images talking about it on the other side.

 Her artistic practice is characterized by the conception of performances which combine a civic, documentary side with an aesthetical one, like in the performances: Brâncoveanu 300 (2014), Killed by friendly fire (2014), Every Tzara has its Dada (the ghost of Elsinore) (2016).
She is the author of the book: Pour une théâtralité picturale. Bruegel et Ghelderode en jeux de miroirs, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 236 p., Iconografia vrăjitoriei în arta religioasă românească (The Iconography of Witchcraft in Romanian Religious Art) written in collaboration with Ioan Pop-Curșeu, Școala Ardeleană and Eikon Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca 2020; and of over 70 articles, studies and reviews, published in Romania and France, over 20 international lectures, over 10 volumes of theater, poetry, prose and essay translated from French, alone or in collaboration with Ioan Pop-Curșeu, and she edited a significant number of thematic issues of the academic journal Studia UBB Dramatica.


She teaches courses on :

Universal Theatre History (from the beginnings to the  XVIIth century)

Theatre Studies 2 (The spectator’s workshop)

Theatre Theories in the XXth century (theories of theatricalty and theatre iconography)

Methods of writing a research paper in theatre studies

Methods of writing a bachelor’s thesis

Poetics of stage direction (seminar)

Cultural Recycling (in theatre and film)- Master course

Assistant Professor Raluca Sas-Marinescu PhD

Raluca Sas-Marinescu, PhD

Assistant Professor


Raluca Sas-Marinescu specializes in Adaptation and Drama Writing, playwriting  and script writing and she activates as dramaturg.   

He completed her PhD in Theatre at Babeș Bolyai University with a thesis concerning contemporary playwriting techniques and methods. 

Her research is focused on playwriting, narrative structure development and collaborative practice, her artistic practice is focus on developing scripts for stage together with an assemble, working on theatre making and devising methods. In the same time she is developing creative writing projects for teenagers and she is documenting last twenty years of drama writing. 

Her publications include: Dramaturg and dramaturgy: methods, techniques and case studies (Bucharest,  Eikon, 2017), „Only Lovers left alive” in Survival guide for theatrologists (Bucharest: Eikon, 2014), „Dramaturg and dramaturgy în colective practice – definition and exemples”, Symbolon, 2018, „Mozgó drámairodalom – a színházi szöveg állapota Romániában”  în Szépirodalmi Figyelő, Budapest, 2019.Her theatre production include a great number  of performances like: Occupy Yourself (2015), Reactring Cernobîl (2016) and IntimIDateMe (2018), Cluj Napoca, Varoterem Projekt, The promise of a beautiful life (because of Chekov) (2013) and Vacuum (2014), Râmnicu Vâlcea, Anton Pann Theatre, Fontana di Trevi (2012) and Midsummer Night’s Dream (2003) Satu Mare, North Theatre, Antemporal.G (2004) , State Theatre, Baia Mare.

She teaches courses on: Performance script development, Adaptation, Narrative Structures in Contemporary Theatre and Film, Creative Writing in performing arts, Theatre-making in independent companies

Associate Professor Anca Hațiegan PhD

Anca Hațiegan, PhD

Associate Professor  

Anca Hațiegan specializes in the history of Romanian theatre.

She completed her PhD in Philology at the “Babeș-Bolyai” University with a thesis called Theatricality and The Novel Under the Communist Regime (2008). 

She researches about the history of Romanian theatre, the history of actresses, women and theatre, theatre and nation, theatre and Communism, theatre and literature, theatricality, etc.


She is the author of Dimineața actrițelor [Dawn of The Actresses] (Iași: Polirom, 2019) and Cărțile omului dublu. Teatralitate și roman în regimul comunist [The Books of The Double-Man. Theatricality and The Novel Under the Communist Regime] (Cluj: Limes, 2010). 

Two scripts for the “Theatre in The Bus Week”, directed by Andreea Iacob (The “Lucian Blaga” National Theatre, Radio Cluj, and the Public Transport Company from Cluj, December 2019).

100 Years of Romanian Theatre, script for a reading-show, directed by Andreea Iacob, presented during the “The Open Doors Night” (The National Theatre from Cluj, 8th of December 2018).

Dramatization of Întâlnirea [The Meeting], a novel by Gabriela Adameşteanu, in collaboration with the author. Reading-show, directed by Cătălina Buzoianu (The Odeon Theatre, Bucharest, 16th of May 2006). Staging at the National Radio Theatre in April 2007. 

She teaches courses on the History of World and Romanian Theatre, Theory of Drama, Project Making and Writing of the MA Thesis.

Assistant Professor Camelia Curuțiu PhD

Camelia Curuțiu-Zoicaș, PhD

Assistant Professor


Camelia Curuțiu-Zoicaș is specialised in Theater and Performance Art and Theatrical Pedagogy.

PhD in Theater obtained at Babeș-Bolyai University with the theme „The role of imagination in the art of the actor. Role development strategies”

Her academic career followed three main directions, combining both teaching, research and art. In this sense, she participated in various workshops, conferences, projects and masterclasses given by renowned artists and researchers in the field of theater such as Andrei Șerban, David Zinder, Robert Cohen, Florin Șerban, Rainer Dobering, Peter Uray, Florin Fieroiu, Theodor-Cristian Popescu, Mihai Mihalcea, Vlad Massaci, David Kipper, Vava Ștefanescu, Georges Baal, Stephan Perdekamp etc. She has published countless articles and specialized studies in various recognized journals, such as Imagination and Empathy: Coalescence, Transfer and Embodiment in Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai (Cluj-Napoca 2017), The Actor and the Absence – Imagination or Memory in DramArt No.7 (Timișoara 2018), What’s Hecuba to him or he to Hecuba ? in Studia Universitatis Babeș- Bolyai (Cluj-Napoca 2019), Artistic Creativity and Creative Imagination – Original Components in the Contemporary Performing Arts. Interferences and New Approaches in Theatrical Colloquia (Iași 2019).

As an actor, she played theater roles both as a collaborator in state institutions in the country (Teatrul de Nord Satu Mare, National Theater “Lucian Blaga” Cluj Napoca) and in the independent space (Teatrul Imposibil, Asociația Jad, Asociația Colectiv A), roles in various short films or in radio theater. She played and assisted directing, scenography at shows created within the faculty. She has participated in numerous festivals in the country – national and international and abroad (Gala HOP-Gala Tânărului Actor, Festivalul Internațional de Teatru Atelier, Festivalul Internațional de Teatru Studențesc „Test!08“ Croația, Festivalul de Teatru al absolventului GALACTORIA, Festivalul Internațional de Film Transilvania (TIFF), Festivalul Internațional Întâlnirile Internaționale de la Cluj, Festivalul Internațional de Teatru de la Sibiu, Festivalul International de Teatru Clasic Arad.) Her awards include Collective Award – Award for Best Performance-Recital, for the show TEMĂ ŞI VARIAŢIUNI after I.L. Caragiale, directed by Miklos Bacs, Irina Wintze, Cristina Cimbrea at the „Primul rol“ Festival (Iaşi 2003) etc. 

She has participated in national and international theater and theater pedagogy festivals and projects such as Arad International Classical Theater Festival, Sibiu International Theater Festival, Transylvania International Film Festival – Cluj-Napoca, student internship tutor (2010-2012) in the Theatrical Practice in the Central and North-West Regions, co-financed by the European Social Fund, through the Human Resources Development Sectoral Operational Program 2007-2013 – Târgu-Mureş, coordinator in the European Project Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development, Cluj-Napoca (2007-20013), expert-collaborator within the project POSDRU / 87 / 1.3 / S / 63169  Communication skills – performance in education, Cluj-Napoca; collaborator and participant in the European project Euroculture en Pays de Gentiane with the show L Opera de Quat sous, Riomes es Montagnes, Chalinargues, Neussargues, France (2013).

Last but not least she participated and held various workshops in order to implement various theatrical methods of verbal and non-verbal communication in the training “Take the Lead” as authorized trainer of professional training (ATOS – Oradea , UMT Pianu – Alba, THREE PILAR GLOBAL – Sibiu, LB LINDE – Coltești, Alba, TB CITR – Pecs, Ungaria, TB CONTI SIBIU – Brașov, TB GARMIN – Sovata, Mureș, TB CONTI SIBIU – Brașov, TB MAHLE – Brașov  etc.).

Courses thought: 

  • Nonverbal Theater
  • The study of the Word in the Actors Art
  •  Mask and Character studies
  • Theatrical Character Development
  •  Psychological Theater
  • Improvisation for the Theater 
  • Theatrical Make-up
  • Studio Production
Assistant Professor Luminița Milea PhD

Luminița Milea PhD

Assistant Professor


 Luminita Milea is a lyric artist and lecturer univ.dr. at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, The Theatre Department of Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj.

She specializes in singing and piano. 

Doctorate in Theatre obtained at Babeş-Bolyai University with a theme related to the inflections and peculiarities of the voice in singing and speech with an emphasis on the show Commedia dell’arte .

He researches the music and performing arts.

His artistic practice aims at the vocal training of students, the development of individualized vocal skills and familiarity with the basics needed in the study of singing. It addresses both classical and contemporary musical repertoire.

In parallel with his teaching activity, he works in the choir of the Transylvanian Philharmonic, with whom he has performed numerous symphonic- vocal concerts at home and abroad.

He publishes articles in specialized magazines dedicated to the performing arts.

Courses taught:

Vocal Expression Education – Canto

Assistant Professor Răzvan Mureșan PhD

Răzvan Mureșan is a theatre director whose professional activity includes more than 25 performances on Romanian stages.

Since 2006 he has been a professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, where, in 2016, he obtained a PhD in theatre with his thesis:

Contemporary British Theatre. Experiment and Innovation after 1945.

Assistant Professor Mihai Pedestru PhD


Mihai Pedestru is a theatre critic and semiotician, interested in critical theory, art ethics, as well as in using technology to catalogue, analyse, understand, and subvert the texts and metatexts of performing arts.

Firm believer that information wants to, can, and must be free, he promotes grounded theory approaches in theatre studies, the construction of open corpuses and data sets, and digital humanities practices.

PhD in Theatre (since 2012) with a thesis on the influence of new technologies on theatre audiences. He teaches courses and seminars in Theatre Semiotics, Theatre Reviewing and Analysis, Media Culture and Civilization, Audience Building and Engagement


Assistant Professor Oana-Corina Pocan PhD
Assistant Professor Cristian Rusu PhD

Cristian Rusu, PhD

Assistant Professor


Cristian Rusu is stage designer and visual artist.


He received his PhD in theater at Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj (2015) with a research on modernist utopian theater projects never realised, named “The Project of the Total Theater; 1919-1970”.


He is stage designer at National Theater “Lucian Blaga” Cluj. As stage designer he collaborated with Romania’s top directors, but also with directors from abroad. Designing productions for highly important theaters in Romania, he is co-author of several productions rewarded in national and international significant festivals. He has a large experience in drama theater, but also in dance theatre, in puppet and animation theater covering over 60 productions.


As a visual artist his major research in on the space itself as naturally given or as built, through site-specific projects and installations. He exhibits his works in various contemporary art spaces from Europe. He is represented by Galeria Plan B Berlin.

He constantly publishes articoles on theater and contemporary arts and culture.


He teaches courses on art history, stage design, costume, performance and installations.

Assistant Professor Ilinca Todoruț PhD

Ilinca Todoruț, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ilinca Tamara Todoruț teaches courses in critical writing, dramaturgy, digital theatre, intermedia performance, and contemporary theatre. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Playwriting from Middlebury College in Vermont, U.S.A. She holds a Master of Arts in Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism degree from Yale School of Drama, as well as a Doctor in Fine Arts degree from the same university. Her stage dramaturgy portfolio includes productions at the Yale Repertory Theatre (such as Shakespeare’s A Winter’s Tale, dir. Liz Diamond), and The American Theatre for Actors in New York, NY (Elfriede Jelinek’s Shadow. Eurydice Says, dir. Jessica Rizzo). Her research interests focus on the intersections of theatre, technology, and society, as shown by her numerous publications in reputed peer-reviewed journals such as Theater MagazineTDR: The Drama Review, Performance Research, Journal of Poverty, and Theatre History Studies. She collaborates with Romanian and international theatre publications such as and, and contributed to The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy edited by Magda Romanska. She served as Artistic Director of the 2023 International Online Theatre Festival (IOTF) that showcased 39 shows from 23 countries. Dr. Todoruț’s research is characterized by a deep engagement with critical theory and a commitment to interdisciplinary approaches, as evidenced by her book Christoph Schlingensief’s Realist Theatre (Routledge, 2022). Before BBU, she taught at Yale as well at the United World College in China.

Assistant Professor Ivona Tătar-Vîstraș PhD
Teaching Assistant Raluca Lupan PhD


Teaching Assistant Diana Aldea PhD
Teaching Assistant Alexandra Felseghi PhD


Teaching Assistant


Alexandra Felseghi is a playwright, theatre director and researcher. In 2017 she received a PhD in Theatre and Performing Arts, at Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca. The subject of her doctoral thesys is focused in studying the artistic techniques that are used within independent theatre companies – a field in which she profesionally experiments since the end of her MA studies. Therefore, her thesys with the title A foray into independent theatre – Performance and the multiple creator, has left multiple researching directions, as documentary in performing arts, which Alexandra Felseghi continues to explore in the present, as a postoctoral researcher.

With ten years of artistic experience in the independent cultural sector, Alexandra Felseghi is the author of a large number of performances, including: Fabrici și Uzine/Factories and Plants, postindustrial documentary theatre, produced by Center of Modernity and Rural World Studies (2019), 3 Milioane/3 Million, documentary theatre produced by Create.Act.Enjoy (2018), Nu vorbim despre asta/ We’re not talking about this (a text created during Drama 5 residency and a finalist of FOCUS DRAMA:RO drama contest organized by North Theatre Satu Mare, Romania, 2018), Eat me, a Create.Act.Enjoy production which has benefited of a series of participations at national and international theatre festivals.

Since 2019, she is a teaching assistant at Theatre Department (Theatrology), at Faculty of Theatre and Film, where she teaches the following courses: Non-verbal theatrical language, Creative Writing in performing arts, Dramaturgy, Theatrical process analyis (seminar), Dramaturgy in XXI century (seminar), Adaptation (seminar), Playwrighting adaptation (seminar). 


Teaching Assistant Cosmin Matei

Cosmin Matei este regizor de teatru și asistent drd. la Facultatea de Teatru și Film a Universității Babeș Bolyai, secția Regie. A absolvit Regia de Teatru la Cluj, în anul 2012, la clasa regizorului Gelu Badea și secția de Grafică a Universității Naționale de Arte, București, în anul 2006, la clasa graficianului Ion Atanasiu Delamare. Este interesat de îmbinarea practicii teatrale cu cercetarea științifică în vederea dezvoltării unor principii noi de antrenament pentru actori și regizori. A semnat spectacole ca Occupy Yourself, Reacting Chernobyl sau IntimIdate Me folosind metode devised și dramaturgie dedicată. Printre interesele de cercetare se numără antrenamentul bio-pshio-fiziologic al actorului, implicațiile utilizării narativelor dinamice și paralele care rezultă din tratarea corpului atât ca obiect cât și ca subiect și dezvoltarea metodelor de antrenament care permit explorarea fizică și mentală pentru a ajunge la un control al mediului interior în vederea potențării răspunsului dat unei situații de joc realiste.


Professor habil. Anca Măniuțiu PhD
Associate Professor Livia Gună PhD
Asoosciate Professor Irina Wintze PhD

Irina Wintze


Irina Wintze researches in the fields of Acting and Theatre Pedagogy, specializing in Acting.
Her artistic practice aims to develop the unique personality of her students through techniques and methods specific to the Art of Acting. Her activity of more than 25 years as a practitioner on the stage of the Lucian Blaga National Theatre/Cluj, supports the stimulus of a creative and self-interrogating spirit, initiative and experimentation, the development of lateral thinking, emphasizing the connection between the deep knowledge of archetypes and their projection in contemporary dimensions, as well as the vision of interdisciplinarity of the arts in the current Performance. Her pedagogical approach is centred on the Process, on the different evolution of each student under the motto: “The teacher is here for the student, not the student – for the teacher”.

Her technical expertise is in the field of Theatre and Performing Arts is motivated by the Word and the interdependent relationship between the signifier and the signified and by Intention as an interface that allows the discovery of new meanings of the Word and therefore of the Situation – a fundamental element for the Art of the Actor.

She develops projects and works in the fields of Art and Theatre Education, with a focus on finding and attracting young talents to this profession, that has materialized in her participation as a trainer in the projects “Communication Skills – Performance in Education” (2012) and “Artistic Practice / Transition of the Young Artist to the Labour Market” (2011 – 2013).

She made her debut at the Radu Stanca Theatre/Sibiu, collaborated with the Ioan Slavici Classical Theatre/Arad and since 1993 she has been employed at the Lucian Blaga National Theatre/Cluj.  Having played in some 70 roles, she has had the opportunity to collaborate with outstanding directors: Iulian Vișa, Mona Marian, Cătalina Buzoianu, Mihai Măniuțiu, Andrei Șerban, Sanda Manu, Alexandru Dabija, Radu Afrim, Silviu Purcărete, Laszlo Bocsardi.


She has also participated in the production of numerous shows, including:

– „Iubirea Fedrei”,  regia Mihai Măniuțiu/ 2006/ Arad, Teatrul Clasic Ioan Slavici

– „Decameronul”,  regia Iulian Visa, 1992, Sibiu, Teatrul Radu Stanca;

– ,,Clasa noastră,, / 2015 / Laszlo Bocsardi / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,, Livada de vișini,, /2014   și ,,Hamlet,, / 2012 /  Roberto Bacci (Italia) / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Sânziana și Pepelea,, / 2013 ; ,,Florența sunt eu,, /2011 și ,,Colonelul și păsările,,  / 2003 / Alexandru Dabija / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Ce nemaipomenită  aiureală,, / 2013 / Silviu Purcărete / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Ultimul mesaj al cosmonautului către femeia pe care a iubit-o în fosta Uniune Sovietică,, / 2010 / Radu Afrim / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

–  ,,Cântăreața cheală,, / 2009 / Tompa Gabor / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Noaptea Walpurgiei,, / 2009 ;  ,,Psihoza 4:48,, / 2008;  ,,Banchetul sau Calea spre Momfa,, / 2007 și  ,,Alcesta,, / 2003 /  Mihai Măniuțiu / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Rock n Roll,, / 2007 / Andrei Șerban / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Bolnavul închipuit,, / 2002 / Sanda Manu / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Becket,,  / 1996 / Victor Ioan Frunză / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga


Choreografic shows:

– ,,Singur printre mârlani,, după volumul omonim  al lui Florin Bican, coregrafie Andrea Gavriliu 2019 / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Cum va place,, după W.Shakespeare, coregrafie Peter Uray (HU), 2014 / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Bosch, Grădina plăcerilor lumești,, 2010 și ,,Frumoasa din Pădurea Adormita,, 2005 – coregrafie Marc Bogaerts (Belgia) / Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga

– ,,Solo-online,, 2004, coregrafie Vava Ștefănescu/ Cluj / TNC Lucian Blaga



Nonverbal Communication, Speech Studies in Acting, Mask and Character Studies, Psychological Theatre, Techniques and Methods in Acting.


Assistant Professor Ionuț Caras PhD


Ionuț Caras is an actor at the “Lucian Blaga” National Theatre in Cluj-Napoca and a lecturer at the Faculty of Theatre and Television in Cluj.

Ionuț Caras graduated from the Faculty of Theatre in Cluj in 2004, in the class of professor and mentor Miklós Bács. He has played in over 50 shows in the past 16 years since he has been an actor of the Cluj National Theatre and has already collaborated with the greatest directors in Romania: Andrei Șerban, Silviu Purcărete, Alexandru Dabija, Mihai Măniuțiu, Mona Chirilă-Marian, Gábor Tompa and Radu Afrim. Over the years he has collaborated in various projects (theatre performances, workshops) with several important cultural organizations and institutions in Romania and abroad: the Romanian Cultural Institute in New York, the Municipal Theatre Joaquim Benite in Almada, the Odeon Theatre in Bucharest, the National Theatre “Mihai Eminescu” in Timișoara, the Romanian Opera in Cluj, the State Philharmonic “Transilvania” in Cluj-Napoca, the Era Theatre and the Pontedera Teatro Foundation in Italy, the University of Hull, Scarborough, UK, and others.

His artistic practice, in addition to his intense activity as an actor, includes mentoring 5 generations of students at the Faculty of Theatre and Film in Cluj.

He develops educational and artistic projects and is the initiator and coordinator of the unique project in our country – Good Texts in Crazy Places – a project that transforms lesser known pages of literature into theatre performances in unconventional spaces.

Ionuț Caras has performed in more than 30 national and international theatre festivals, held master classes at Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite (Almada, Portugal), University of Hull (UK) and Théatre de Globule (Lyon, France) and participated in workshops led by Vava Ștefănescu, Florin Fieroiu, Radu Penciulescu, Andrei Șerban, Valentina de Piante, Eli Simon, Nicky Woltz, ETXEA Company, Cătălina Buzoianu, and others

Ionuț Caras has acted in 4 feature films: Portrait of a young fighter, directed by Constantin Popescu, Why me?, directed by Tudor Giurgiu, Ana, mon amour, directed by Călin Peter Netzer, Cardinal, directed by Nicolae Mărgineanu. The films have been selected and awarded at international festivals: Bratislava International Film Festival, Torino Film Festival, Cleveland International Film Festival, Gopo Awards Romania, Berlin International Film Festival, etc.


Courses he teaches: nonverbal theatrical language, word study in acting, mask and character study, dramatic character development, improvisation, techniques and methods in acting.

Assistant Professor Cătălin Codreanu
Assistant Professor Radu Teampău


He received his Bachelor’s degree in Theatre Arts, with specialisation in Theatre Direction (1996) and a Master’s degree in Philosophy of Culture and Performing Arts at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca (2006). PhD in Theatre and Performing Arts with the thesis on Directorial Narrative (2015).

Director and assistant professor at the Faculty of Theatre and Film, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Collaborates as director at several theatres in the country: National Theatre, Cluj-Napoca; Puck Theatre, Cluj-Napoca; Elvira Godeanu Theatre, Târgu Jiu; Municipal Theatre, Turda; Youth Theatre, Piatra Neamț; Csiki Gergely Hungarian State Theatre, Timișoara; Radu Stanca National Theatre, German section, Sibiu; participation in national and international theatre festivals and workshops in Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Italy; performances in independent theatre.

Collaboration with the magazines: DramArt, Colocvii teatrale, Steaua, Tribuna, Echinox.

Publications / Books: Logolatria, Dacia Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca (2003); Taifasuri mileziene, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca (2007); Teatru, Casa Cărții de Știință Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca (2010); E-mailuri teatrale, Editurile Eikon & Școala Ardeleană, Cluj-Napoca (2014); Carena în cer: The actor’s narration from a directorial perspective, Eikon Publishing House & Școala Ardeleană (2015); The Birth of a Stone: The Narrative of Performance from a Directorial Perspective, Eikon Publishing House & Școala Ardeleană (2016); Fly Butterfly: Three Short Plays, translated into English by Nadia Dimofte, Tellwell Talent Publishing House, Victoria, B.C., Canada (2017).

Assistant Professor Ferenc Sinkó
Teaching Assistant Olivia Grecea PhD
Teaching Assistant Andreea Gavriliu
Teaching Assistant Ciprian Scurtea
Teaching Assistant Tudor Lucanu
Teaching Assistant Ciprian Scurtea
Teaching Assistant Viorica Varga
Elena Ivanca PhD