Dramatic Arts

The Master’s programme in Theatre Arts is dedicated to the further training of graduates in Acting and Theatre Directing and aims to intensively develop, through diversified methods, those skills acquired during the undergraduate studies. The programme offers both general courses aimed at enriching theatrical culture and, above all, practical courses designed to cultivate and develop talent, inventiveness, spontaneity and imagination. The programme also provides the organisational framework and expertise for dedicated individual and collective productions, encouraging and stimulating the collective work so necessary in contemporary performing arts.


Curricula: The curriculum is flexible and varied, offering common courses in theatre education and culture, focusing on the latest creative directions (Performance Theory, Theatrical and Cinematic Imagery, Anatomy of Reception, Collaborative Practices in Independent Theatre), but also disciplines for further artistic development and improvement, such as Body, Voice and Imagination Studies, Techniques for Developing Acting Performance, Techniques for Energy, Rhythm and Concentration, Advanced Improvisation Studies, Studio Production, etc. For the Acting major. Master’s students interested in theatre directing have, in turn, courses with a practical dimension, including The Directorial Project, Extreme Contemporary Theatre, Directors and Theatre Styles, Directing and Postdramatic Theatre, Independent Company Management, Collaborative Practices in Independent Theatre, etc.