The study program in Hungarian, prepares future actors respecting the standards and the requirements of the artistic community.

In order to broaden and enrich their cultural and artistic horizons, acting students learn basic subjects such as the history of universal, Hungarian and Romanian theatre, theatrical aesthetics, drama theory, directorial poetics, etc. These theoretical subjects are complemented by the disciplines central to the training of an actor, aimed at developing their expressive and acting skills: art of the actor, stage movement and stage dance, vocal expression education (vocal setting and stage speech), stage improvisation, puppeteer’s art, film actor’s art, etc.

At the end of the bachelor’s degree (3 years) our graduates will be able to work in state or private theatre companies in the country and abroad. At the same time, after graduation, they can extend their studies with Master’s programs in theatre arts at our faculty or at other universities.



Career path:

Puppet actor
Musical actor
Television presenter
Radio announcer etc.Actor