28 May Radu Jude releases “Potemkiniștii” at Cannes Film Festival
Renowned director Radu Jude, associate professor of our faculty, released his latest film “Potemkiniștii” at the Cannes International Film Festival. Selected for the Quinzaine des Réalisateurs programme, the short film is constructed as a dialogue between a sculptor (Alexandru Dabija) and a Ministry of Culture official (Cristina Drăghici), who discuss the construction of an anti-communist monument referring to the entry of the Russian battleship Potemkin into the port of Constanța. References to Sergei Eisenstein’s famous 1925 film are the highlight of the characters’ polemics. An audiovisual essay, both critical and comic, on the ideological and cinematic ways of editing history, “Potemkiniștii” will be released in Romania on 1 July under the title Almanah Cinema. Șase filme scurte, together with other short films by Radu Jude (Caricaturana, Amintiri de pe Frontul de Est, Cele două execuții ale Mareșalului, A pedepsi, a supraveghea and Plastic semiotic).